349 Richmond Street
El Segundo, CA 90245

The Healing Sp-ce is located in the MindSet Collective healing center. There is free parking in the back parking lot of the building. It is accessed through the alley off of Holly Street or off of Grand Avenue. Park at any of the spaces marked "MIND SET COLL." Please enter the building through the back up the stairs to the second floor. The restrooms are located through the back on the first floor. Please call or text 323-452-5266 if you have any trouble. 

*Please wear a mask upon entering. The entire office and treatment rooms are sanitized before and after each treatment. If you have a fever, cough, or have been around anyone who is sick, please contact me first to discuss appointment options. Thank you!

The Healing Sp-ce: Acupuncture & Traditional Asian Medicine

349 Richmond Street, El Segundo, CA, 90245


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